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Natural Pet Care Book Store


A small selection of recommended books to enable you to learn more about raw feeding and pet health more generally

The top row we stock and can mail to you.
The others are from Amazon we cannot buy them for these prices!

Honey's Natural Feeding Handbook
Jonathon Self

How to transform your dog’s health with a simple change of diet
160 pages of advice, tips and recipes!
This plain-English, comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide contains everything you need to know about natural feeding, including:
– Why naturally fed dogs lead longer, happier and healthier lives
– How to switch your dog to a natural diet in three easy steps
– How canine digestion works
– Why tinned and dried food is ‘junk food’ for dogs
– Lots of tips, recipes and advice
– Special diets for poorly dogs
– How to give your puppies the best start in life
– Details of popular BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) diets
Jonathan Self is a journalist who writes about farming and the environment. He is a trustee of the World Land Trust and one of the founders of Honey’s Real Dog Food.

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Lucky Dog's Weight Loss Book
Vicky Marshall
Have you ever wondered why so many dogs seems to be suffering from weight issues?

This excellent little book provides the answer: modern dog food. The author explains the effect processed dog food has on a dog's body and how, by switching to a biologically appropriate diet, the weight will, literally, drop off.
The diet itself couldn't be simpler. You can get all the ingredients from a butcher or supermarket and it is easy and quick to prepare. Best of all, it works.

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Honeys Natural Feeding Handbook
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Recommended Books if you wish to learn more about raw and home cooked diets for your cats and dogs

Pet Nutrition Books

Raw and Natural Feeding - Recommended Books
Raw Meaty Bones a Practical Approach
by Dr Tom Lonsdale
Feeding your dog a raw food diet may help avoid common health problems or correct them. Get educated on the issues relating to commercial diets and learn how to feed raw from the Australian veterinarian who has championed this approach
Work Wonders By Dr Tom Lonsdale
Practical how-to instructions on feeding the popular raw food diet from the Australian veterinarian who has made it his life's work to improve the health of our canine companions through raw feeding. Customize the diet for your dog's needs.
Feeding Dogs by Dr Conor Brady of Dogs First
The Science Behind The Dry Versus Raw Debate
From the vet health professional to canine professional to the avid canine enthusiast, Feeding Dogs is a fascinating, at times shocking and utterly essential portrayal of canine nutrition today. With a clear and tangible passion for the subject but with an entertaining, highly readable style,

The BARF Diet: Raw Feeding for Dogs and Cats Ian Billinghurst
Feed your dogs and cats the way Mother Nature intended by eliminating grains and feeding them a BARF, Biologically Appropriate Raw Food, diet. Australian veterinarian, Dr. Ian Billinghurst, long-time champion and international lecturer on the benefits and how-to of feeding raw foods to pets, explains in simple, understandable terms why and how to feed your animals for optimum health.
Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs, Revised: The Definitive Guide to Homemade Meals
The definitive guide to feeding your dog a balanced and nutritious raw and home-cooked diet, from the founder of a natural pets product company with over thirty years of experience working with dogs.

Many people want to prepare their dog's meals at home, but feel it is too complex. 
Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs provides a road map to the essentials of canine nutrition
Dr Becker's Real Food For Healthy Dogs and Cats: Dr Karen Becker
Based on the ancestral diets of dogs and cats, this book provides a rotation plan and recipes for a meat-based diet that includes appropriate levels of vegetables, fruits and supplements to complete the diet, analyzed to make sure that nutrition needs are met.

Books Introducing Natural and Holistic Pet Care

If you want to learn more about other aspects of Holistic Veterinary Medicine
Heal Your Dog the Natural Way

by Dr Richard Allport
The popular vet and veterinary homeopath, Richard Allport MRCVS, shows how to heal your dog naturally through foods, homeopathy, herbal medicine and a variety of other methods, many of which can be done at home. A radio regular, Richard understands both dogs and their owners and combines his expertise with accessible language to show readers how to treat their dogs from using banana skins for warts to getting dogs to take pills in a stress-free way. No dog owner should be without this book
The Holistic Dog: A Complete Guide to Natural Health Care
by Holly Mash MRCVS

Holistic health is all about considering your dog in relation to his home, his diet and his routine healthcare. Whether you have used complementary treatments for your dog before or are just looking for a more natural way to care for him, The Holistic Dog will open your eyes to the range of effective alternative therapies available.
Homeopathic Care for Cats and Dogs: Small Doses for Small Animals

Dr Don Hamilton Dr R. Pitcairn DVM
Brilliant Book
Homeopathic Care for Cats and Dogs offers expert guidance on home care and diet, how to obtain the information needed to choose a homeopathic remedy, how to dose remedies, how to choose the potency, and when to repeat remedies if necessary. …The book ends with a materia medica, which gives more comprehensive remedy information for each medicine listed in the book. This updated edition contains a new chapter on the human-animal relationship, timely information on vaccines, as well as new remedy information in every chapter.

Homeopathy for Animals

Francis Hunter
Useful Introduction to Homeopathy in Pets
People are Pets: Homoeopathy for First-time Users and Their Pets

by Francis Hunter and Steven Kayne

This book on homeopathy is aimed at first-time users. It is an introductory guide to the most well-known and frequently used homeopathic remedies, which should enable readers to treat themselves (and their pets) for many simple, self-limiting conditions.
Homeopathy for Horses

by Tim Couzens MRCVS
This truly comprehensive and practical guide has now been revised and updated. With careful selection of the right remedy, homeopathy will often succeed where conventional medicine has failed. As widespread interest in alternative therapies continues to grow amongst horse owners, this unique book provides practical and systematic insights, giving clear descriptions of ailments and their suggested remedies enabling treatment to be specifically tailored and thus ensuring the best chance of success.

Your Dog and Homeopathy
Dr Atjo Westerhuis Veterinary Surgeon

May be out of print but still available from Saltaire Books at time of writing.
Canine Nutrigenomics: The New Science of Feeding Your Dog for Optimum Health

Secrets to Feeding Dogs for Optimum Cellular Health and Longevity Revealed in Groundbreaking New Book Vibrant health begins in the cells. Learn how to transform your dog's cellular health with the power of nutrigenomics in this ground-breaking new book
Herbs for Pets:
The Natural Way to Enhance Your Pet's Life
Mary L. Wulff & Greg L. Tilford
For the past decade, Herbs for Pets has been an indispensable resource for anyone who owns or cares for companion animals. Written by two of the world s most respected herbalists, the second edition of this exhaustive compendium offers the latest scientific information as well as traditional, historical and philosophical perspectives on hundreds of medicinal plants and natural therapies all in a more compact, portable package

How to Immunize Your Dog without Vaccines:
Aleksandra Mikic
The sad truth is that thousands of dogs are injured and even killed by vaccines every year. What that means to you is that every time you take your dog for the annual check-up, you are playing Russian roulette with his life. Maybe you already know this as there are many books describing the horrors and the lack of effectiveness of conventional vaccines. But what is the solution? The solution exists and it is brilliant! Nosodes!
The Complete Book of Cat and Dog Health
Lise Hansen
Written by a qualified vet, this is a complete and comprehensive guide to health care for cats and dogs, providing invaluable advice on essential aspects of care, such as diet and vaccinations, as well as a guide to holistic treatments. The first part of the book describes the main lifestyle choices every dog and cat owner makes, whether or not they are aware of them: settling in a new puppy or kitten, vaccination, neutering, diet, finding the right veterinarian, and caring for the ageing animal. The second part describes the main holistic modalities and their relevance when animals become sick…..
Insights into Veterinary Homeopathy
Peter Gregory MRCVS
Peter's second book is a fascinating personal account and explanation of homeopathy.
The first part of the book is devoted to examining the fundamental concepts which together provide a foundation for veterinary homeopathic practice, and how they may be understood from a modern perspective. This is followed by an investigation into some of the most common remedy states encountered in practice, with guidance on how to recognise them in an animal patient; not only by how they present outwardly, but also by accessing those elements of the patient that would otherwise be considered as hidden. Finally the author investigates the personal experience of practising veterinary homeopathy.
© G Ralph Hines
Dr Graham R Hines MRCVS
Dee View Road, Connah's Quay
Flintshire, CH5 4AY

Tel:+44 (0) 7903268439
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